Water purifier RO+UV+UF+tds adjuster+12L

11999 /Pcs 25000 (52% Off)
Availability: In Stock
Product Code: SP0020
Net Content: 1
MOQ (Minimum order qty) : 1
Product PV : 5000

Water purifier RO+UV+UF+TDS come with tds management that manage a water tds .

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Water purifier RO+UV+UF+TDS come with tds management that manage a water tds .

The filter removes harmful substances from the water such as lead, which can only be a good thing for your health.

फिल्टर पानी से हानिकारक पदार्थों जैसे लेड को हटा देता है, जो आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छी बात हो सकती है।

Drinking filtered water lowers your risk of developing certain cancers by removing the chlorine. The list includes rectal, colon and bladder cancer.

फ़िल्टर्ड पानी पीने से क्लोरीन को हटाकर कुछ कैंसर विकसित होने का खतरा कम हो जाता है।

  • RO water purifier allows water to pass through the pump to raise water pressure then passed through a semi-permeable RO membrane. RO eliminates total dissolved solids and other excess minerals present in water as you can say that RO water purifier converts hard water to soft water.
  • UV water purifier uses UV rays to destroy contaminants like microbes and bacteria's. The raw water allows passing through the UV radiation and exposes water to UV radiation.
  • UF water purifier uses a hollow fiber threaded membrane to remove dispersed material, suspended solids, and other large molecular weight materials from water and make it human health-friendly.
  • TDS water filter removes minerals, salts, or dissolved metals such as calcium, chloride, nitrate, and other organic matter dissolved in water